Smart Contract

Here is an example Pact smart contract for Arkade's NFT Standard

(namespace "free")

(define-keyset "" (read-keyset 'my-admin-keyset))

(module butter GOV
    "Butter NFT"
    (defconst NFTS_TO_MINT_COUNT 10000.0)  
    (defconst WL_MINT_PRICE 100.0)
    (defconst PUBLIC_MINT_PRICE 200.0)
    (defconst WL_MINT_START_TIME "2023-01-01T19:00:00Z")
    (defconst PUBLIC_MINT_START_TIME "2023-01-02T19:00:00Z")
    (defconst MINT_END_TIME "2023-01-07T19:00:00Z")
    (defconst MAX_WL_MINT 10)
    (defconst TOTAL_VOLUME_KEY "total-volume-count-key")
    (defconst NFTS_MINTED_COUNT_KEY "nfts-minted-count-key")
    (defconst MINT_CHAIN_ID_KEY "mint-chain-id-key")
    (defconst CURR_WL_ROLE_KEY "curr-wl-role-key")
    (defconst WL_PREMIUM_ROLE "whitelist")
    (defconst PRICE_KEY "price-key")
    (defconst ADMIN_KEYSET "")
    (defconst ADMIN_ADDRESS "")
    (defconst CREATOR_ADDRESS "")
    (defconst ROYALTY_FEE 0.1)
      (defcap GOV () 
          (enforce-keyset ADMIN_KEYSET)
      (defcap PRIVATE () 
          @doc "Can only be called from a private context"
      (defcap ACCOUNT_GUARD(account:string) 
          @doc "Verifies account meets format and belongs to caller"
          (enforce (= "k:" (take 2 account)) "For security, only support k: accounts")
              (at "guard" (coin.details account))
      (defcap OWNER (id:string)
          @doc "Enforces that an account owns an NFT"
                  (nft-owner (at "owner" (read nfts id ["owner"])))
              (compose-capability (ACCOUNT_GUARD nft-owner))
      (defcap ADMIN() 
          @doc "Only allows admin to call these"
          (enforce-keyset  ADMIN_KEYSET)
          (compose-capability (PRIVATE))
          (compose-capability (ACCOUNT_GUARD ADMIN_ADDRESS))
      (defcap PUT_ON_SALE (id:string owner:string price:decimal)
        @doc "Emitted event when an NFT is put on sale"
        @event true
      (defcap REMOVED_FROM_SALE (id:string owner:string)
        @doc "Emitted event when an NFT is removed from sale"
        @event true
      (defcap BOUGHT (id:string new-owner:string original-owner:string price:decimal)
          @doc "Emitted event when an NFT is removed from sale"
          @event true
      (defun initialize ()
          @doc "Initializes the contract the first time its loaded"
          (insert counts NFTS_MINTED_COUNT_KEY {"count": 0.0})
          (insert counts TOTAL_VOLUME_KEY {"count": 0.0})
          (insert values MINT_CHAIN_ID_KEY {"value": (at "chain-id" (chain-data))})
          (insert price PRICE_KEY {"price": WL_MINT_PRICE})
          (insert values CURR_WL_ROLE_KEY {"value": "whitelist"})
      ;;;;; SCHEMAS AND TABLES ;;;;;
      (defschema nft-main-schema
          @doc "Stores core information about each NFT"
      (defschema marketplace-schema
          @doc "Schema for marketplace information"
      (defschema counts-schema
          @doc "Basic schema used for counting things"
      (defschema values-schema
          @doc "Basic schema used for storing basic values"
      (defschema wl-schema
          @doc "Basic schema used for WL members, keys are account ids"
      (defschema price-schema
          @doc "Prices schema"
      (deftable nfts:{nft-main-schema})
      (deftable marketplace:{marketplace-schema})
      (deftable counts:{counts-schema})
      (deftable values:{values-schema})
      (deftable wl:{wl-schema})
      (deftable price:{price-schema})
      ;;;;;; MINT FUNCTIONS ;;;;;;
     (defun mint-nfts-bulk (owner:string amount:integer)
         @doc "Mints NFTs bulk"
          (coin.transfer owner CREATOR_ADDRESS (* 0.90 (* (get-mint-price) amount)))
          (coin.transfer owner ADMIN_ADDRESS (* 0.10 (* (get-mint-price) amount)))
          (with-capability (ACCOUNT_GUARD owner)
             (with-capability (PRIVATE)
                     (mint-nft owner) 
                     (make-list amount 1)
      (defun mint-nft (owner:string amount:integer)
          @doc "Mints an NFT"
          (require-capability (PRIVATE))
          (require-capability (ACCOUNT_GUARD owner))

          (let (
                  (id (get-latest-nft-to-mint-data) )
              (insert nfts id {
                  "id": id,
                  "item": { "edition": id },
                  "date-minted": (at "block-time" (chain-data)),
                  "owner": owner
          (with-capability (PRIVATE)
              (increase-count TOTAL_VOLUME_KEY (* (get-mint-price) amount))
          (increase-count NFTS_MINTED_COUNT_KEY 1.0)
      (defun mint-nfts-free (owner:string amount:integer)
          @doc "Mints nfts as admin for free"
          (with-capability (ADMIN)
             (with-capability (ACCOUNT_GUARD owner)
              (with-capability (PRIVATE)
                      (mint-nft owner) 
                      (make-list amount 1)
      (defun add-to-wl-bulk (role:string accounts:list)
          @doc "Adds wl users with a role"
          (with-capability (ADMIN)
              (map (add-to-wl role) accounts)
      (defun add-to-wl (role:string account:string)
          @doc "Adds a user to a wl"
          (require-capability (ADMIN))
          (insert wl account {"role": role})
      (defun update-user-wl-role (role:string account:string)
          @doc "Updates a user's wl role"
          (with-capability (ADMIN)
              (update wl account {"role": role})
      (defun set-price(price-value:decimal)
          @doc "Set the price"
          (with-capability (ADMIN)
              (update price PRICE_KEY {"price": price-value})
      (defun get-latest-nft-to-mint-data ()
                  (minted-count (get-count NFTS_MINTED_COUNT_KEY))
                  (created-to-mint-count NFTS_TO_MINT_COUNT)
              (enforce (< 0.0 created-to-mint-count) "No NFTs are available for mint.")
                  (< minted-count created-to-mint-count)
                   "All NFTs put up for mint have already been minted."
                    (id (int-to-str 10 (+ (floor minted-count) 1)))
      ;;;;;; MARKETPLACE FUNCTIONS ;;;;;;
      (defun transfer-bulk:string
          @doc "(Admin only) Transfer multiple NFTs to an account."
          (with-capability (ADMIN)
                  (transfer receiver)
      (defun transfer:string (receiver:string id:string)
          @doc "Transfer an NFT to an account."
          (enforce-account-exists receiver)
          (with-capability (OWNER id)
              (write marketplace id {
                          "id": id,
                          "for-sale": false, 
                          "price": -1.0, 
                          "updated-at": (at "block-time" (chain-data)),
                          "owner": receiver
              (update nfts id {"owner": receiver})
      (defun put-id-for-sale(id:string price:decimal)
          @doc "Puts an NFT up for sale"
          (with-capability (OWNER id)
              (enforce (> price 0.0) "Price must be positive")
                      (owner (at "owner" (get-nft-fields-for-id ["owner"] id )))
                  (write marketplace id {
                      "id": id,
                      "for-sale": true, 
                      "price": price, 
                      "updated-at": (at "block-time" (chain-data)),
                      "owner": owner
                  (emit-event (PUT_ON_SALE id owner price))
      (defun remove-id-from-sale (id:string)
          @doc "Removes an NFT from sale"
          (with-capability (OWNER id)
                      (owner (at "owner" (get-nft-fields-for-id ["owner"] id )))
                  (write marketplace id {
                      "id": id,
                      "for-sale": false, 
                      "price": -1.0, 
                      "updated-at": (at "block-time" (chain-data)),
                      "owner": owner
                  (emit-event (REMOVED_FROM_SALE id owner))
    (defun buy-id-on-sale (id:string curr-user:string)
        @doc "Buys an NFT that was put up for sale"
        (with-capability (ACCOUNT_GUARD curr-user)
            (enforce-id-on-sale id)
                    (nft-data (get-nft-fields-for-id [] id ))
                    (original-owner (at "owner" nft-data))
                    (price (at "price" (read marketplace id ["price"])))
                    (fee (get-market-fee-from-price price))
                    (to-seller-amount (get-to-seller-amount-from-price price))

                (coin.transfer curr-user original-owner to-seller-amount)
                (coin.transfer curr-user CREATOR_ADDRESS fee)
                (write marketplace id {
                    "id": id,
                    "for-sale": false, 
                    "price": -1.0,  ; Invalid price so NFT can't be sold
                    "updated-at": (at "block-time" (chain-data)),
                    "owner": curr-user
                (update nfts id (+ {"owner": curr-user} nft-data ))
                (with-capability (PRIVATE)
                    (increase-count TOTAL_VOLUME_KEY price)
                (emit-event (BOUGHT id curr-user original-owner price))
      (defun all-ids ()
          @doc "Returns all the IDs"
          (keys nfts)
      (defun get-market-fee-from-price (price:decimal)
          @doc "Market fee cost for ID sold at a given price"
          (* price ROYALTY_FEE)
      (defun get-to-seller-amount-from-price (price:decimal)
          @doc "Amount that goes to a seller when NFT sold at a given price"
        (* price (- 1 ROYALTY_FEE))
      (defun get-marketplace-fields-for-ids (fields:list ids:list) 
          @doc "Return fields for a list of IDs"
              (get-marketplace-fields-for-id fields)
      (defun get-marketplace-fields-for-id (fields:list id:string )
          @doc "Return the fields for a given ID"
              (> (length fields) 0)
              (+ {"id": id} (read marketplace id fields))
              (read marketplace id)
      (defun get-all-on-sale ()
          @doc "Returns all items on sale"
          (select marketplace ["id", "price", "updated-at"] (where "for-sale" (= true)))
      (defun get-nft-fields-for-ids (fields:list ids:list) 
          @doc "Return fields for a list of IDs"
              (get-nft-fields-for-id fields)
      (defun get-nft-fields-for-id (fields:list id:string )
          @doc "Return the fields for a given ID"
          (+ {"id": id} (read nfts id fields))
      ;;;;; ENFORCEMENTS ;;;;;
      (defun enforce-mint-wl-role (account:string)
          @doc "Enforce the account has a role that allows them to mint NFTs"
          (if (< (at "block-time" (chain-data)) (time PUBLIC_MINT_START_TIME))
                      (curr_wl_role (get-value CURR_WL_ROLE_KEY))
                      (user_wl_role (get-wl-role account))
                      (= curr_wl_role WL_PREMIUM_ROLE)
                      (enforce (= user_wl_role WL_PREMIUM_ROLE) "Only whitelist members allowed")
      (defun enforce-account-exists (account:string)
          @doc "Enforces that an account exists in the coin table"
          (let ((coin-account (at "account" (coin.details account))))
              (enforce (= coin-account account) "account was not found")
      (defun enforce-max-wl-mint (account:string amount:integer)
          @doc "Enforces WL member only mints max amount"
          (if (< (at "block-time" (chain-data)) (time PUBLIC_MINT_START_TIME))
                      (owned-count (length (ids-owned-by account)))
                  (enforce (<= amount MAX_WL_MINT) "You have minted the max")
                  (enforce (< owned-count MAX_WL_MINT) "You have minted the max")
      (defun enforce-mint-live ()
          @doc "Enforces mint is live"
          (enforce (>= (at "block-time" (chain-data)) (time WL_MINT_START_TIME)) "Mint is not live.")
          (enforce (<= (at "block-time" (chain-data)) (time MINT_END_TIME)) "Mint has ended.")
      (defun enforce-marketplace-live ()
          @doc "Enforces mint has ended and marketplace is live"
          (enforce (>= (at "block-time" (chain-data)) (time MINT_END_TIME)) "Mint is not live.")
      (defun enforce-id-on-sale (id:string)
          @doc "Enforces the NFT for the ID is on sale"
                  ; Get the owner for the id
                  (current-owner (at "owner" (get-nft-fields-for-id ["owner"] id)))
                  (marketplace-data (read marketplace id ["owner", "for-sale"]))
              (enforce (= current-owner (at "owner" marketplace-data))
                  "The person who is the current NFT owner isn't the one that put it on sale")
              (enforce (= true (at "for-sale" marketplace-data))
                  "The nft is not listed for sale")
      ;;;;;; HELPER FUNCTIONS ;;;;;;;;;
      (defun increase-count(key:string amount:decimal)
          @doc "Increases count of a key in a table by amount"
          (require-capability (PRIVATE))
          (update counts key 
              {"count": (+ amount (get-count key))} 
      (defun set-value(key:string value:string)
          @doc "Sets the value for a key to store in a table"
          (with-capability (ADMIN)
              (update values key 
                  {"value": value} 
      (defun get-count (key:string)
          @doc "Gets count for key"
          (at "count" (read counts key ['count]))
      (defun get-value (key:string)
          @doc "Gets value for a key"
          (at "value" (read values key ['value]))

      (defun get-mint-price()
          (if (< (at "block-time" (chain-data)) (time PUBLIC_MINT_START_TIME)) WL_MINT_PRICE PUBLIC_MINT_PRICE)
      (defun get-wl-role (account:string)
          @doc "Gets current wl role for the user"
              (at "role" (read wl account ["role"]))
      (defun ids-owned-by (owner:string)
          @doc "All IDs owned by someone"
          (select nfts ["id"] (where "owner" (= owner)))
 (create-table nfts)
 (create-table marketplace)
 (create-table counts)
 (create-table values)
 (create-table wl)
 (create-table price)

Last updated