Now that I’ve bought and sold an NFT, what do I do?

Trading NFTs on Arkade is not just about owning valuable digital assets, but also about being a part of a vibrant and active community. To fully immerse yourself in the NFT community, it's important to connect with others on social media platforms such as Twitter, Telegram, and Discord. Twitter is a great place to connect with the larger NFT community and stay up-to-date with the latest developments and trends, while Discord and Telegram offer more specific groups where you can interact with like-minded individuals and other NFT holders.

To get the most out of your NFT trading experience, spend time on Discord, join the general chat channel, and engage with other holders. Make new friends and have fun while you're at it! Ask questions and as you gain more experience in the NFT space, help guide newbies by providing valuable insights and answering their questions.

When you're ready to contribute to the NFT project, think about what unique skills or talents you can offer. Whether it's designing, marketing, or coding, there are many ways to contribute to an NFT project and make a difference.

Being a part of a vibrant community of NFT enthusiasts can add to the enjoyment of buying, selling and collecting NFTs.

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